Immerse your special moments in timeless elegance with our Red Rose Bouquet from TopTenTeddy. This classic arrangement features a dozen stunning red roses, each symbolizing love and admiration. Whether you’re celebrating a romantic occasion or expressing heartfelt appreciation, this bouquet is sure to captivate and delight.
The bouquet includes twelve farm-fresh red roses, carefully arranged with lush foliage in a clear glass ginger vase. Measuring approximately 13″ high by 13″ wide, it makes a striking statement in any setting. Each bouquet comes with floral food and detailed care instructions, ensuring your roses stay vibrant and beautiful. Simply trim the stems at an angle, place them in room temperature water with flower food, and enjoy long-lasting blooms by changing the water daily. Packed with care in a gift box, this Red Rose Bouquet is a perfect way to convey your deepest sentiments.